Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Even MORE Snow Days!!

We're getting quite bored in the house for so many long hours....we have now found dadda's stomach hair! She pulled and pulled, really wondering what it was?!
My baby girl has learned to CLAP! She claps all the time now. She's also learned how to put the ball into the giraffe to make the song play.

Jonathan's poor car is buried...

Jonathan trying to give Maggie some much needed exercise. The dogs are ready for warm weather too, so that I can get back to taking them on walks!

Well, I thought we'd try and get a picture of her standing in the snow....she didn't like this idea very much.

As of 1:00, Feb. 9th we have 21 inches of snow. Max is having quite the time using the restroom! :)

Ella Claire and Momma's Snow Days!

Dadda was breaking the icicles off the gutters. He just had to play around with them....they were HUGE.
What in the heck is this cold stuff??!

Needless to say, after the fourth snow day...Momma asked Dadda to get them out of the house! Ella was asleep within minutes. For some reason being at home with Momma made me try not to take my normal naps! We had a couple of looong days!

My poor baby doesn't even own a snow suit. Maybe next year when she can actually walk and play in it we will invest in one!

Just watching the snow come down with my sis and bubby :) The dogs enjoyed looking out the window just as much as EC I think.